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Notice is hereby given that the 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian Malaysian Singaporean Association Inc. (AMSA) will be held on:

Details of AGM

Date: Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Time: 7.15pm to 8.45pm AEST


Attend in person at: CQUniversity, Level 2, Room 2.12, 400 Kent St, Sydney (Dinner will be served at 6.15pm)


Attend AGM online via Zoom


The ordinary business of the meeting will be:

1. To confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting;

2. To receive from the Executive Committee reports upon the activities (including significant transactions) of the Association during the last preceding financial year;

3. To elect officers of
the Association and the ordinary members of the executive committee; and

4. To receive and consider the financial statements submitted by the Association to members in accordance with section 43(1) or section 47(1) (as applicable) of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW)

The special business of the meeting will be:

5. To receive and consider the Auditor’s Report and Audited Accounts on the financial affairs of the association for the last financial year.

6. To appoint Malaysian Australian Sam Lim MP and Singaporean Australian Audra Morrice as Patrons of AMSA

Yours sincerely,

Nerisa Chan
Honorary Secretary
Australian Malaysian Singaporean Association Inc. (AMSA)

Agenda Summary

  1. President's Welcome and Announcements

  2. Attendance – Quorum, Proxies, Apologies

  3. Minutes of Previous AGM – Hon. Secretary

  4. Financial Report (Audited Financial Statement) – Hon. Treasurer

  5. Acceptance of Audited Financial Report

  6. Executive Committee Reports and Other Matters 

  7. Election of Office Bearers and General Members of the new Executive Committee for 2023/24 – Returning Officer

  8. Appointment of Auditor for next AMSA financial year

  9. Special resolution - Appointment of Patrons

  10. Other General Business

  11. Close of Meeting

Key Dates

7 June 2023 - Last day to join / renew your AMSA membership (to participate in the AGM)
7 June 2023 - Last day to nominate for the new Executive Committee for 2023/2024
12 June 2023 - Last day to submit your completed Proxies Form
12 June 2023 - Last day to register your attendance for the AGM
14 June 2023 - AGM Day

Nominations and Election of the AMSA Executive Committee 2023/24

Elections will be conducted by a Returning Officer (RO) to fill the positions of President, Vice President, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer and Ordinary Members of the Executive Committee. You are invited to cast your vote for a new Executive Committee to manage and lead the Association.

Nominations for all positions on the Executive Committee must be made on the Nomination Forms and duly signed by the nominees, proposers and seconders. All nominations must be
received by the Hon. Secretary latest by 7:15pm AEST, Wednesday 7 June 2023.

*Note: No nominations will be accepted after the closing date.

Proxies (if you are unable to attend)

A member, who has fully paid all money due, is entitled to appoint another member (who must also be a financial member) as proxy to attend, speak and vote on the member's behalf at the General meeting.

You must do so by completing and signing the Proxy Form accompanying this notice of AGM and
send it to the Hon. Secretary by 7.15pm AEST, Monday 12 June 2023.

*Note: No proxies will be accepted after the closing date.

Membership of the Association

Under the AMSA Constitution Clause 13.3 and 16.1, all ordinary members are entitled to vote, to stand for election, to be proposers and seconders of nominations, to appoint proxies and to hold proxies only if all membership fees due and payable have been paid in full.

If you wish to renew or join the AMSA membership, you must do so via the provided link below, 
latest by 7.15PM AEST, Wednesday 7 June 2023.

If you are unsure about your membership status, please contact: to verify.


  • Facebook AMSA Inc
  • Instagram AMSA Inc

ABN: 54 189 884 285


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The Australian Malaysian Singaporean Association Inc. (AMSA) acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora nation as the Traditional Custodians of the bamal (earth) and badu (waters) on which we work.
We also acknowledge all Traditional Custodians of the land and waters throughout Australia and pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders past and present.

© 2025 by the Australian Malaysian Singaporean Association Inc. (AMSA)

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