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Online Q&A with the Malaysian Department of Immigration in Australia

This is your chance to have your questions about immigration & passport answered by the Malaysian Immigration Department, Australia!

Do you have any questions about Malaysian passport renewal / application / extension in Australia? Join this session and get your questions answered!

Online Q&A Event with the Malaysian Department of Immigration in Australia

Thursday, 3rd February 2022

6-7pm (Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra/Hobart)

5.30-6.30pm (Adelaide)

5-6pm (Brisbane)

4.30-5.30pm (Darwin)

3-4pm (Perth)


This is an online event. Zoom Link will be sent prior to the event

Cost: Free

This session is organised by the Australian Malaysian Singaporean Association Inc. (AMSA) in partnership with the Malaysian Department of Immigration in Australia.

This session is supported by :

Phillip Au and Associates

Phillip Au & Associates
(Migration agent registration number: 9473712)
Level 3, Suite 26, 301 Castlereagh Street
SYDNEY NSW 2000 Australia.
0418 659 404


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